The adverse media screening check response payload contains a detailed analysis of potential adverse media coverage for a business. The response includes verified adverse media hits, customer review hits, and overall validation results.

Response Structure

  type: "KYBAdverseMediaScreeningCheckResult";
  verified_adverse_media_hits?: Array<AnnotatedNewsArticle>;
  verified_adverse_review_hits?: Array<AnnotatedCustomerReview>;
  passed: boolean;

Example Response

  "type": "KYBAdverseMediaScreeningCheckResult",
  "verified_adverse_media_hits": [
      "article_id": "news_123",
      "source_url": "",
      "title": "Company XYZ Faces Regulatory Investigation",
      "text_content": "Company XYZ is under investigation for potential compliance violations...",
      "publication_date": "2024-03-15",
      "source_name": "Business News Daily",
      "topics": ["regulatory_compliance", "investigation"],
      "risk_score": 0.8,
      "risk_factors": [
          "type": "RISK",
          "category": "regulatory",
          "title": "Regulatory Investigation",
          "description": "Company is under active investigation by regulatory authorities"
  "verified_adverse_review_hits": [
      "review_id": "review_456",
      "source_url": "",
      "rating": 1,
      "text_content": "Very poor service and potential fraudulent activity...",
      "publication_date": "2024-03-10",
      "source_name": "Consumer Reviews",
      "topics": ["customer_complaints", "fraud_allegations"],
      "risk_score": 0.7,
      "risk_factors": [
          "type": "RISK",
          "category": "fraud",
          "title": "Fraud Allegations",
          "description": "Multiple customer complaints alleging fraudulent practices"
  "passed": false

Response Fields


The type identifier for the response. Will be “KYBAdverseMediaScreeningCheckResult”.

array | null

The verified adverse media hits for the business. Each hit contains details about a news article or media coverage.

array | null

The verified adverse customer review hits for the business. Each hit contains details about a customer review.


Whether the check passed (no significant adverse media found) or failed (adverse media found).