Business (KYB) Checks
High Risk Country Check
Verify that a business and its customers do not operate in prohibited or high risk countries
The High Risk Country Check analyzes a business’s operational locations and customer base to identify potential geographic risks. This check helps ensure compliance with international regulations and sanctions by verifying the countries where a business operates and serves customers.
The name of the business to verify
The primary country where the business operates
List of countries where the business serves customers
The type of the check result - “HighRiskCountryCheckResult”
Whether the check passed or failed
The verified primary country of operation
List of verified countries where the business serves customers
Example Response
Key Components
Geographic Risk Analysis
- Evaluates business operation locations
- Assesses customer base distribution
- Analyzes cross-border activities
Risk Categories
Prohibited Countries
- Countries under comprehensive sanctions
- Non-cooperative jurisdictions
- State sponsors of terrorism
- Restricted markets
High Risk Countries
- Countries with partial sanctions
- Jurisdictions with weak AML controls
- Regions with political instability
- Areas with high financial crime rates
Standard Risk Countries
- FATF member countries
- Established financial markets
- Strong regulatory frameworks
- Stable political environments
Verification Process
- Analysis of business registration
- Review of operational presence
- Verification of customer locations
- Assessment of regulatory compliance
- Evaluation of geographic exposure